COVID-19 Planning Resource: Graduation

1 June 2021

Dear First Nations Schools,

The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and First Nations Schools Association (FNSA) hope you are enjoying the spring and that your schools and communities are staying healthy.

FNESC and FNSA are sharing a COVID-19 Planning Resource: Graduation (May 14, 2021), developed by the BC Ministry of Education in consultation with the Office of the Provincial Health Officer and the BC Centre for Disease Control. This resource applies to school-sponsored events hosted by public and non-First Nation independent schools, including graduation ceremonies and other activities, held on or off or school grounds. First Nations schools may wish to consult this document to support your graduation planning processes, recognizing that it may not be applicable to all schools or situations. FNESC and FNSA fully respect the authority of individual First Nations to make decisions about their school operations in the best interests of their students, schools, and communities.

We hope you will find this resource helpful. Find all of our updates related to COVID-19 at and