Graduation Assessment Network for Educators in First Nation Schools

31 January 2024

The First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association are pleased to announce a Network opportunity designed for educators in First Nation schools
whose students write the Provincial Graduation Assessments. Network sessions will take place every two weeks and will allow interested participants to meet with colleagues to learn about
and discuss topics related to Provincial Graduation Assessments.

Each session will take place from 3:30 – 4:30 pm on the following dates:

Session Name Date
Session 1 Introduction to Graduation Assessments by the Ministry of Education and Childcare February 13, 2024
Session 2 Preparing Students for the Numeracy Assessment February 27, 2024
Session 3 Preparing Students for the Literacy Assessments April 2, 2024
Session 4 Instructional Practices that Align with the Assessments April 16, 2024
Session 5 Supporting Students: Before, During, and After April 20, 2024
Session 6 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge May 14, 2024
Session 7 Using Graduation Assessment Results May 28, 2024



Once your registration has been approved, you will receive a calendar invitation for all seven sessions which will include the Zoom link.

Event Contact

Please contact Mandy Marcy, with questions related to this opportunity.