English First Peoples Grade 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide (2018)

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This resource is designed provide support for the British Columbia’s English First Peoples 10-12 curriculum.  It includes diverse units, lessons and activities to support the revised EFP 10-12 and ELA 10-12 curriculum using dynamic, rich written, oral, visual, and digital First Peoples literature/text, and reflects evolving educational practice.

The English First Peoples 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide (2018) was developed by the First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association. This guide amalgamates and replaces two previous FNESC resource guides: the English First Peoples 12 Teacher Resource Guide (2008) and the English First Peoples 10 and 11 Teacher Resource Guide (2010). It includes new material that reflects recent changes to the curriculum, more recently published First Peoples literature, and evolving educational practice.


See the FNESC website for additional resources.

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